Dixons Cottingley Academy | Year 8 Options
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Dixons Cottingley Academy

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Year 8 Options

At this time of the academic year, students make choices about the options they would like to study at GCSE. At Dixons Cottingley we place a high value on an academic EBacc curriculum and as such all students will study English Language, English Literature, maths, combined science, RE, French and a humanities (geography / history). In Year 9 all students will continue to study geography and history to maintain a breadth of knowledge. Students will have one further option which they choose.

Below you can find the Year 8 options booklet which outlines they key information about courses you can choose from.

By Monday 6 June, all students in Year 8 will need to have complete the online form to select their options. Once we have received and collated the options lists we will write to you via letter before the summer break to inform you of the option that has been allocated.

If you require any further information regarding options please contact Mr Murray (Assistant Principal) pmurray@dixonsco.com

Options Introduction from Mr Murray
English Language
English Literature
MFL (French)


Sport Science


Vocational (Health and Social / Enterprise and Travel and Tourism)

Creative Arts (Art and Design Technology)

Option Form

Please click on the link to access to Form: Option Form